Monday, March 12, 2012


Last Thursday after a good school session I put Annie (who was grumpy) and Alex down for naps.  Then I went to work in the kitchen.  Pretty soon, Logan appeared with a piece of paper and a pencil.  He wanted some math problems.  We haven't been working on math during school at all.  Sometimes he's asked a math related question and we've answered him (like when he wanted to figure out his tithing).  We don't have a textbook yet, and have never written problems down for him to figure out.  So I didn't know quite where to start with him.

I initially wrote some single digit sums.  He did those in his head.  Then I wrote some harder single digit sums.  He did those in his head as well.  So we moved on to double digits.  After he was finished, he told me that he was done, but next time he wanted some HARD math.   

It's hard to see, but I took a picture of his page.  I was quite impressed with his ability considering we've never focused on math.

He was SO pleased with himself, and has been asking to do math every day since. 

On Friday, I went looking for some math pages in the workbooks we have (which we never use).  I was quite surprised that he's already at the end of 1st grade math without even trying!  (At least according to those books.)  Wow!  Inspire not require!  Yes!

P.S. I sent him outside to play a bit ago and before he went he asked, "Mom, after we go outside can we do some math?"

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