Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Keeping My Balance

Whoever coined the term "morning sickness" could not possibly have been pregnant.  I hear there are women out there who are actually only sick in the morning, though I have yet to meet one, and I know there are the lucky ones who aren't sick at all.  Let's just say I'm among the majority, and if you've ever been pregnant you probably know what that means for the first trimester.  School has suffered and benefitted from this lately.  My energy has been gone, my stomach has been in an uproar, and I never feel fully awake.  It's so tempting to give the kids something to work on and lay on the couch.  Actually that's happening a lot lately.  We're having a lot more do-it-without-mom art projects, I'm loving their penpal letters (more on that), and reading/ story time prevails as the easiest thing for me to do from the couch.  It's a good thing that's the such an important part.  :)  We're also learning all about growing babies.  Logan has had tons of questions, and is currently working on a picture of my womb, complete with baby and umbilical cord.  (I haven't given him certain full explanations; he is content to understand that some things are too sacred to discuss at this point.)  I've benefitted from lots of other TJEd moms who've been where I'm at and remind me that my kids are young, pregnant mommies need their naps, and don't worry!  So I'm not worrying too much.  (Although sometimes I worry that I'm not worrying enough.)   
Anyhow, they've been corresponding as penpals for several weeks now with my sister Sarah, and brother Josh.  I forget exactly how I came up with the idea to do it, but it's been great writing practice for them without pressure or monotony.  I'm really amazed at how quickly Logan's writing skills have increased considering the only time we 'work' on writing is when he's responding to a letter (about once a week).  Here's a sample of one of his letters to Josh.  I've had this sitting on my counter for two weeks because Annie didn't want to finish her letter to Josh, but also didn't want me to mail Logan's without hers.  I think I'm just going to mail hers incomplete and not allow her to dictate such a long letter next time.

Today they received letters from Sarah, so we had letter time again today.  They were working really diligently when I started this post, but their attention seems to have wandered in the last few minutes.  Sounds like it's time to end this post.  :)

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