Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Taking Big Steps

Over the last week and a half we've taken some big exciting steps! 
First of all, Logan has crossed into 'reading is fun' versus 'reading is work'.  His speed has increased just enough that now he's constantly reading for fun!  It's so exciting.  Nothing appears different with him because his nose has always been stuck in a book, but no longer is he just analyzing the pictures.  Yeah!
Second, I've found a math curriculum!  My last grumble about that was the final push I needed to find it.  It's called Math on the Level.  It was developed by a homeschooler that was having the same frustration I was having.  Each book is organized by type of math rather than grade level, and it's created in a manner that the kids can go as fast or slow as they want/ need.  It's also very conducive to applying math to real life and making it fun!  I'm only a week into it, but I really think I'm going to like it.  It gives me the flexibility I like, but helps me track things so I'm not missing concepts.  It also gives me lots of ideas for how to teach/ apply each concept.  From the reviews I've read on it, it sounds like most people love this curriculum.  The only negative comments I've read were the exact same thing: it requires mom to teach each lesson.  So it's definitely not for someone who likes to sit their child down with a math book and leave them to independently learn it all.  For those who are hands on like me, though, it sounds like it's been very well received.  A lot of families have said they loved switching to it because their kids liked it a lot better too.  So here's crossing my fingers that I love using it! 
Third, and most exciting, is that Annie read FIVE early reader books today!  Logan and I were independently reading our scriptures (he has a goal to read the whole Book of Mormon by himself).  Much to my surprise, I looked over to see Annie with a pile of books on her lap.  She was sounding out all the words!  I didn't dare interrupt her, so I sat quietly after I was done until she was done.  Once she finished I asked her to show me all the books she'd read.  FIVE!  I couldn't believe it.  Up to this point, ALL of her reading has been with someone helping her; she hadn't read a single book entirely on her own.  I was incredibly impressed.  I've had no ambition to teach my four year old to read, but have been working with her entirely at her request.  Needless to say, this is very exciting for me.  
This picture wasn't today, but I thought it was fitting. 

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