I should be careful writing this because I may just jinx myself. Our school routine has been so smooth and successful during the last few weeks. We have so many things we're curious about and our kidschool learning is carrying over to dinnertime. We're learning about the Revolutionary and Civil Wars, more about the solar system, and about John Deere tractors. Logan is taking off with his reading. I told him that Heavenly Father would help him learn to read if he spent some time in the scriptures, so he decided that he needed to read a verse out of the Book of Mormon every day! After two weeks of that, his reading has improved tenfold. I am so impressed with his faith and diligence! Now when I find him with his nose in a book, he's often reading it! He's also dying to learn math. Jim showed him how to calculate his tithing the other day, and Logan worked diligently at it for more than 30 min. He has SO many mathematical questions. I'm thinking it's time to get some math curriculum.
I've been studying the French Revolution (unwittingly) through my love of old novels. Because Jim loves American History, we're making some connections! We've been comparing the two revolutions, and I feel like I've finally learned something about history! It's really interesting to see the very distinct differences between the two. The French were fighting for freedom from aristocratic rule, but at least in the beginning those leading the revolution were really just seeking their own power. That was not the case with the Americans. George Washington really just wanted to go home to his farm! I don't have a thorough understanding yet (especially about Napoleon), but I have enough of an interest now that I'm seeking more information. Jim is always disappointed when I can't share his enthusiasm for history, so I think he's really pleased that I'm finding some excitement in talking about it. I'm rather excited that I've discovered an avenue for studying something I've always struggled with. Now I just need a bunch of good novels that cover American history. Hmm... I'm also finding myself excited about the solar system (I've never cared about that either) thanks to Logan. I wonder what the purpose is of each of these planets? Why have these giant balls of gas out there? What are they going to become? What is really in the center of Jupiter?
Anyway, I'm feeling good about our progress lately. Kidschool has been SO MUCH FUN...for all of us. And I am thoroughly loving that I don't have to prepare lesson plans or grade worksheets. I'm still trusting the process and it's working! Learning is fun and inspiring! Who knew?
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