Monday, January 14, 2013

Why I Love Homeschool, Reason #11

Peace and Calm

I didn't anticipate the peace and calm that would come to my children through homeschooling.  I actually thought we'd have the opposite.  It just isn't true for us, though.  As soon as we start school for the day, a calm settles over everybody, and I find myself marveling at the peaceful atmosphere that has become our home.  Messes aren't being made.  No one is fighting.  The kids are calmly, wonderingly, and respectfully discussing what we're learning.  They cuddle together to hear Logan or me read aloud.  They sit together to do an activity.  After I step away from our time together and put Alex down for his nap, Annie and Logan usually continue to quietly pursue whatever we've just been doing for a while.  I love stepping back at these moments to watch them.  Things feel rather perfect at these times.  

We also have a direct correlation between the length/ quality of school time and the feelings of harmony for the rest of the day.  If we've had good school time, everyone gets along better and our home feels less chaotic.  If I've skipped school time for some reason or made it really short, the opposite is very often true.  I suspect the routine has something to do with it, but I also believe that it's more owing to the fact that school time tends toward quality mom and kid time.

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