Today we had an unexpected theme during kidschool. It started because Logan asked me early this morning if I would buy him a trumpet. Then he asked what a trumpet looked like and I told him I was sure we could find a picture during school time. So after they both worked on reading he brought me the 'T' encyclopedia. That didn't have a trumpet in it, so he brought me the 'M' encyclopedia. That was closer and led us to the 'W' book where we found wind instruments complete with pictures. That led to questions about the various instruments, and then questions about other types of instruments until we had several encyclopedias open and had satisfied the kids' curiosity. Well, the encyclopedias of course led to curiosity on other subjects (like natural disasters) because they have such neat pictures in them. We learned about tornadoes for a long while and eventually looped back to music.
I pulled out my clarinet to show them and was surprised to find that I can still play it! I can't play well anymore, but I remember most of the fingering and made a decent sound. I played songs they knew until my mouth hurt (I'm thinking of getting a softer reed and taking this up again), and then let them try to make some noise. They can both squeak pretty successfully, and both made actual notes a few times.
After the clarinet, I told Annie to choose a book for story time. She came back with an American Girl book. Much to my surprise, it was a book about a girl learning to play the piano! I wonder if she chose it on purpose because it was about music, or if it was by chance.
I love American Girls! :)