Monday, July 15, 2013

June Reading Winners

As I mentioned before, the kids did several summer reading programs during the month of June.  I continued logging their minutes even after they'd met each program's goals because I thought it would be neat to have a record of their reading, and a bookstore was having a contest for most minutes read.  Since they were in different age groups, I thought both Annie and Logan had a good chance in the contest, so I was careful to underestimate their minutes each day.  I wanted to be sure we'd been honest if they won.  Much to my surprise, they BOTH won!  Logan's age group was 6-10 years and he read 120.5 hours.  Annie's age group was 3-5 years and she read 76 hours.  The best part is that they only read because they wanted to; they weren't even aware I was keeping track.  The numbers seemed pretty big once I totaled them, but it really only averages to 4 hours a day for Logan, and 2.5 hours a day for Annie.  A lot of kids probably spend that much time watching tv or playing video games each day.  I figure that since we don't have that option, my kids are just using books as their natural default instead.  They each received a $20 gift card.  Considering this is a discount bookstore, that will purchase several books!  They were pretty excited when they found out they won.

The letter says:

July 8, 2013

Dear Annie and Logan,

Congratulations!  With 4,560 and 7,230 total minutes read in June, you are our top readers in the 0-5 and 6-10 year-old age groups.

Enclosed please find your $20 gift cards to Half Price Books.  They have no expiration date, and can be used in part or all at once.
